LOC - German Final 2020 - MAC Eifel Elos - Hellenthal

The final of the LRP Offroad Challenge took place from 26.09. - 27.09.2020 on the track of the MAC Eifel Elos in Hellenthal.

With more than 80 entries even under the difficult conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic this was a great finish for our 2019/2020 season.

Despite the rain we had a great starting field and were able to nominate our champions in the following classes in exciting runs on Saturday and Sunday thanks to the perfectly organized team of the Eifel Elos!



1. Fee-Lina Röder
2. Kevin Schlereth

Short Course:

1. Sam Wrobbel
2. Michael Kieber
3. Bernd Nottebom

2WD Buggy Stock:

1. Simon Stegmeier
2. Jürgen Kropp
3. Niklas Mährle

4WD Buggy Stock:

1. Simon Stegmeier
2. Markus Aicher
3. Niklas Mährle

2WD Buggy Modified:

1. Moritz Lautenbach
2. Kai König
3. Meik Niemann

2WD Buggy Modified:

1. Moritz Lautenbach
2. Kai König
3. Michael Lepuschitz


We would like to thank all participants who took part in the final and the regional races this year.