LRP Column / January 2016

LRP Pulsar Pro Charger
Our LRP charger line has just gotten a facelift. The new LRP Pulsar Pro builds on the success of chargers like Pulsar Touch and Quadra Competition. Due to its great versatility, it can be used for all R/C flight, car and boat battery types. Also outlaw LiPo batteries are no problem at all. The up to 15 battery cells can be charged with up to 10A.
You can either power the charger with AC 100-240V or with DC Input (11-18V). The correct connector for the wall socket of your country is already mounted. The large terminals enable easy connection to your car battery. No matter where you are, you can rest assured that your batteries will be charged. The USB exit has also been improved to 2.1A output. The balancer connector has been switched to a XHR connector that matches the connector of all our LRP batteries. Unfortunately, there are still accidents happening when LiPos are charged the wrong way. To decrease this risk, we have implemented a safety feature into the software that displays an overview of all set parameters before the charging can be activated. I think this will really help avoid the risk of costly charging accidents.

New LRP Gravit quadrocopters
Our R&D team has put great work into extending our highly successful quadrocopter line. For the first time, we now also have a hexacopter in our range as well as a real professional quadrocopter specifically designed for areal photography. Like with all our flight products, the batteries are of course also separately available to extend your flight sessions.
LRP Gravit Hexa Micro
This is our first ever RTR hexacopter. The 6 propellers provide more power. Moreover, you will notice a real difference in terms of flight stability and control. The copter is just much more stable in the air. The model also has 3 different flight levels and switchable LED position lights.

The Gravit Vision FPV is our perfect cost efficient entry into the FPV (first person view) quadrocopter flight world. Watch your flight in real time on your smartphone device that can be attached to the transmitter. You can change the tilt angle of the camera lens using your transmitter. The video and photo files are directly saved to your smartphone. The annoying step of transferring the files from a memory card to your computer or smartphone via cable is history. You can straight view and share the pictures and videos. The “Headless” flying feature also greatly helps you as it essentially means that your copter is always flying forward (from your point of view), if you push the stick of your transmitter forward, no matter of its actual orientation in the air. All in all a nice little piece of technology.

LRP Gravit GPS Vision & Gravit GPS Vision Pro
Finally, LRP is making its entry into the world of the true high-end quadrocopters. When our R/D team developed these models, there was only one goal: produce the most suitable model for areal photography.
The Gravit GPS Vision models are all GPS assisted and equipped with barometric altimeter and compass. The model includes a Full-HD 1080p WiFi Action-Cam with internal speakers for high quality pictures and videos. You can also watch the videos on the LC display on the backside of the camera or you just copy the files from the SD memory card to your computer. The pro version is additionally equipped with a 2-axis brushless gimbal that effectively stabilizes the camera for perfect still shots and movies captures. When you connect the Gravit GPS to your computer you can also change all preset settings with the software and completely tailor it to your unique needs. Three settings that I found very helpful were the altitude and GPS modes as well as the “Return to Home” function. With the altitude Mode, your Gravit GPS exactly maintains a certain height and lets you concentrate on other things like filming. The GPS mode makes it “rooted to the spot”, guaranteeing great video footage. And finally after you have finished shooting your video, you just use the “Return to Home” function and you can put your transmitter on the ground while the Gravit GPS comes right back to the place it started, relying on the GPS assistance.

No matter what your intention and desires are, we now can offer you the proper quadrocopter for all your needs!