!! NEW - ZR.32X Spec.4.1 Competition Engine in Rotostart or Pullstart Spec. - NEW !!

You asked for it, we deliver!
You want to use our highest power .32 cubic inch (5.24ccm) Big Block Power Engine #32826 in a Monstertruck and therefore need to change it to Rotostart or Pullstart?
We now got you covered!
Find all information on:
#38146 - Roto Start Backplate LRP .28 / .30 / .32 Spec.4 Nitro Engines
#38556 - ZR.28-32 Pullstart - pull starter front parts (linkage)
#38557 - ZR.32 Pullstart - pullstarter backplate assembly
Available at your favourite dealer or on www.LRP.cc