Obituary for Heiner Martin

On 20th of March 2016 RC racing lost Heiner Martin, one of its great personalities.

The man who inspired generations of RC racers consciously or unconsciously and helped paving the way for professionalism in the German racing scene passed away in the University Hospital of Ulm.

He was the last active racer of the first European Championship in 1974.

As one of the cofounders of DMC, EFRA and IFMAR, he was a worldwide appreciated and sought-after personality who made significant contributions to modern rules of racing. He did volunteer work to the last.

Heiner also worked as an editor and journalist for multiple magazines. He created the very first European RC journal, the AMT magazine which he led as chief editor until 2008.

We will miss his serious and modest manner, well-founded knowledge, commitment and his constantly constructive feedback.

Jürgen E. Lautenbach – CEO LRP electronic GmbH

“Heiner was one of the most important pioneers of RC racing for me. He is a man who has to be mentioned in the same breath with Gene Husting, Ted Longshaw and Mike Reedy. I would like to highlight one of Heiner’s achievements from which the RC racing scene benefits to this day: As a worldwide Stock software “war” of the manufactures broke out in 2008, Heiner was able to stop it by establishing the still valid Boost 0 rule. A technical master stroke.

Stefan Köhler – Vice-President of LRP electronic GmbH

“I was able to experience Heiner’s helpfulness when I attended my very first European Championship at the age of sixteen. This was the first time I met Heiner. Due to connectivity problems I was hardly able to race on the first two days. In search of help I asked Heiner and he checked and fixed my electronics until they worked again. He even skipped one of his practice runs just to help me.”

As friends, business partners, as a company and in the name of all RC-enthusiasts we say:

“Thanks for everything, Heiner!”