!! Donations - Merry Christmas !!


We have once again dispensed with cards and presents this year and instead supported the following projects with a donation:

SOS-Kinderdorf have made it their mission to accompany abandoned and needy children into a better future.

Homepage ▶ www.sos-kinderdorf.de/portal/spenden/online-spenden/

Binden für Bildung – Supporting Girls
Many girls in poor “town ships” of South Africa cannot attend school during their menstruation, because the families have no money for sanitary pads. The girls miss out on one week per month, which equates to one quarter of their school time!

Bärbel Schelling, a close friend to the Lautenbach family, therefore started her project of heart “Binden für Bildung”, while she was living with her family for 1.5 years in South Africa.

The collected money is used to buy sanitary pads in large quantities and distributed to specific schools in monthly batches. Together with the Tokai Lions Club she organizes these deliveries on a regular basis.

The vision is to get the girls to attend school without absences due to menstruation.

Regular funds are needed for this project, to make a meaningful impact in these communities. Only through education do the children have the chance of a better future in their own country.

Every donation, however small, helps!

Bank account ▶ Standard Bank of South Africa, Code: 025309, Account No 071748083, Acc Name: Lions Club of Tokai
Reference: “supporting girls”

Homepage ▶ www.tokailionsclub.co.za/girls-supporting-girls-2/

Young Hearts Africa
At the Young Hearts Africa organisation heart specialists have made it their mission to collect urgently needed donations for heart operations for children and young adults to be able to continue their lives.

YouTube ▶ www.youtube.com/watch

Homepage ▶ youngheartsafrica.org/donations/

TAM e.V.
The association has built a school centre in Burkina Faso.

In the Centre Warc-En-Ciel education and art centre, the pupils are offered general education, music lessons, computer lessons, German lessons and experience lessons in the school biogarden.

The first class attending the Centre Warc-En-Ciel high school consists of 24 students.

The Centre Warc-En-ciel also hosts monthly public artistic workshops and film nights on sustainability.

Homepage ▶ www.tam-verein.de/spenden/

The non-profit association HILFE FÜR TOGO e.V. from Waldstetten/Germany has been involved in the West African country since 1994.

The aim is to provide sustainable support for the people of Togo. The focus of the work is on improving living conditions in the areas of education, agriculture, infrastructure and water supply as well as medicine and hygiene.

We decided to support this association after we got to know the initiator in a personal conversation.

Homepage ▶ www.hilfe-fuer-togo.de/spenden/

Dogs4You e.V.
Dogs4You e.V. is an organisation, which is committed to helping abandoned dogs find a new, loving home.

This project is a matter close to the Lautenbach family's heart, because it is how they found their beloved dog.

Mail adress and PayPal ▶ info@dogs4you.net

Bank account ▶ Volksbank Stuttgart eG, DE95600901000711848009

We at LRP wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and enjoy the quality time together.

Thank you for your continued support.

Jürgen Lautenbach with family and staff