S10 Twister Speed-Kit 45km/h
These speed kits are specially tailored for the S10 Twister. You can pimp your model to the absolute top speed! The combos consist of motor, suitable speed control and battery. There’s no need for any further accessories. Depending on your ambitions, you can tune your car to speeds of ca. 45, 60 or 80 km/h.
The 45km/h kit includes:
• A.I. Runner Bullet Reverse speed control
• V10 Spec.5 17x2 motor
• Power Pack 3000 7.2V 6-cell NiMH Stickpack battery
This high-speed combo also fits small racing budgets. Brushed power tailored for the S10 Twister Buggy. The price-performance ratio of this set is just unbeatable. The V10 Spec.5 motor makes your S10 Twister remarkably more powerful and faster. LRP’s Power Pack 3000 extends the run time significantly.
The 45 km/h kit is the most affordable performance tuning for the Twister.
