A.I. Runner Bullet Reverse
100% waterproof: The speed control is 100% waterproof and can be operated under water with full power.
LRP Automatic: With LRP´s exclusive true Automatic technology, a push button setup is completely unnecessary: Just plug-in the speedo and drive! The speed control immediately ”learns? the individual transmitter setting and is perfectly set-up for every run with the correct neutral-, full speed forward- and full speed reverse transmitter settings. Whatever your car´s configuration is, the LRP True Automatic adapts to it and determines your perfect setup.
Fail Safe: Built in Fail Safe: What is Fail Safe? Another technological highlight is the factory built in Fail Safe System. ”The guardian angel? of your RC car. The Fail Safe System continuously monitors the radio signals being sent to your RC car. If incomplete or ”false? signals are received as a result of low batteries or radio frequency interference, your LRP A.I. Automatic Pro Reverse speed control reacts instantly and shuts off your model to protect it against damage due to interference.

Not available
44,99 EUR
(Recommended retail price)
44,99 EUR
(Price incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs)
- LRP´s exclusive A.I. Automatic Setup
- Fail Safe System
- Forward/Reverse speed control
- 100% waterproof
- German Technology
- Plug-in-and-Drive
- 3x Multi Protection System
- 4, 5 and 6 cells